232 BETTER VILLAGES general and vigorous assault upon the whole standard of living and farming throughout the whole district. The whole district programme is a big demonstration of what better farming and better villages should look like and it must be maintained and developed until the people learn, and are organized, to do it themselves on their own and for their own sakes. This will come about when all this business becomes the common knowledge of every man, woman and child in the village, when in every village there are organizations to administer the village and every villager is a member of one or more co-operative societies for his production, marketing, finance and everything else, when every village housewife belongs to a Women's Institute or whatever other societies are found most suitable to teach and practise thrift and homecraft. Till then evetything in this chapter must go on at full pressure, and even afterwards it will go on, as there will never come a day when we can sit back and say there is nothing new to teach the village and nothing new to learn, to make home and farm and village brighter, happier, healthier and more prosperous !